10 tips to sell your house quickly

The real estate market has rebounded in the last year and the demand for housing has been increased, so if you were planning to sell your house, you are in a good moment!

The second-hand housing is an option for many people who are waiting to acquire a property, so we tell you a few tricks to groom it, give it a good presence and convince of that sale.

Thorough cleaning and show order

The cleaning of the cabin is fundamental. If a buyer enters a shiny space, that smells good and that is ordered, he will be comfortable and visually his impression will be positive.

It is interesting that the decorations have an impersonal style, that is, objects such as frames with photos and others can convey a feeling that the house is still inhabited: what interests us is that the buyer understands the house as if it were brand new.

Having a plant or colorful flowers during the visits of buyers gives a sense of life, tranquility and joy.

Increase lighting and natural light

The windows must be open and you have to check that they open and close perfectly, as well as the blinds system. Light is an element that is often highly valued when deciding on one or another home. They can be left free of curtains, but if we want to achieve greater clarity it is important that they are of clear and semitransparent colors.

Remove old furniture

Things that are very old or that have become obsolete do not offer a good image, it is better to remove them and not have furniture that is worn or looks bad. On the other hand, if they are in good condition they can always be recycled and give them a new air by resorting to painting and making small repairs, for example changing the handles or locks…

Brighten the floor

We could include it in the cleaning section. The tile is easy to clean and should be perfect. In case of wooden floors if it appears uncorked or without brightness we can always polish and varnish again. It is a much more laborious process but it will leave a perfect finish, as if it were new.

Equip the kitchen and bathroom

Both spaces must have the necessary elements to offer a complete service. The tiles can be completely remodeled by applying a specialized paint for this material, as well as bleaching the joints with a marker for them.

The furniture we can assess if it makes up for us to make a small investment and improve what is available, because the houses that are reformed always increase their market value. By improving the kitchen and bathroom we can always achieve a better negotiation on the price and attract many more interested in buying the house.

Take care of the appearance of the garden and outdoors:

The lawn should be well cut, the porch and entrance clean and tidy. It is good to add something like a new doormat, an umbrella stand or a coat rack that looks beautiful. The little details always add up!


Those walls that have suffered humidity, are frosted or perhaps with a paper coating damaged by the passage of time should give them a new hand. The black patches and other condensation problems are an incentive to rule out a possibility of purchase.

Advertise on various second-hand pages and real estate portals:

The more visibility our advertisement has, the more likely we will be able to reach and receive more calls. Knowing in Google those portals that have more traffic and a better SEO positioning will take us to place our offer in the best sites, facilitating the sale of our home.

It is important that the photos we upload are already a positive claim. Avoid photos of mobile phones that do not have good light and resolution. The frames should be made from angles that can give room width and depth.